02 & 03/ 2021
Date: Saturday 30 Jan 2021
16.41 - 1830
Request from Coastguard to respond following reports of a paddleboarder in difficulty off the coast of Kinsbarns. Both boats lauched, whilst enroute a member of the UK Coastguard Ground Team on the scene checked the sighting and assessed it to be a false alarm, with good intent, and no further assistance was required.
Our Lifeboats stood down and returned home to Anstruther and following a deep clean, was returned back to service.
Weather: Cloudy
Visibility: Good
Wind Force: 4 Moderate Breeze
Wind direction: NE
Sea State: Mod/ Choppy
Date: Saturday 30 Jan 2021
16.41 - 1830
Request from Coastguard to respond following reports of a paddleboarder in difficulty off the coast of Kinsbarns. Both boats lauched, whilst enroute a member of the UK Coastguard Ground Team on the scene checked the sighting and assessed it to be a false alarm, with good intent, and no further assistance was required.
Our Lifeboats stood down and returned home to Anstruther and following a deep clean, was returned back to service.
Weather: Cloudy
Visibility: Good
Wind Force: 4 Moderate Breeze
Wind direction: NE
Sea State: Mod/ Choppy