DATE -01/03/21 06:11 – 14:30
Request from Aberdeen Coastguard to assist 12m fishing vessel taking on water after a collision with a surface object 10mile east of Fife Ness.
With three crew on board the casualty, a Windfarm vessel in the vicinity was tasked to make way to the scene and Rescue 151 was also on route.
With the ALB alongside three crew were transferred with portable salvage pumps, the casualty was stabilised and then under its own power was closely escorted by the ALB back to Anstruther, were it was safely berthed awaiting repair.
Weather Clear skies
Visibility Good
Wind Force 0 Calm
Wind dir SW
Sea state Calm
DATE -01/03/21 06:11 – 14:30
Request from Aberdeen Coastguard to assist 12m fishing vessel taking on water after a collision with a surface object 10mile east of Fife Ness.
With three crew on board the casualty, a Windfarm vessel in the vicinity was tasked to make way to the scene and Rescue 151 was also on route.
With the ALB alongside three crew were transferred with portable salvage pumps, the casualty was stabilised and then under its own power was closely escorted by the ALB back to Anstruther, were it was safely berthed awaiting repair.
Weather Clear skies
Visibility Good
Wind Force 0 Calm
Wind dir SW
Sea state Calm