Lifeboat Operations ("Shouts")
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Every member of the crew and the shore crew has a "pager" The pager is used at any time of the day or night to alert all crew members, ensuring that adequate crew can be mustered. The essential members are the Coxswain, Mechanic, Radio Officer and Tractor driver (without whom the Lifeboat will not be launched)
The ALB is designed for a crew of 6, but it is at the Coxswain's discretion regarding the numbers and crew taken. More may be required if for example a visual wide area search is required. Some stations have dedicated crew teams who are on standby for set periods. At Anstruther it is only the three coxswain that an unofficial rota takes place, to maintain constant cover.
Pager Alert
A typical scenario of events would be: a boat in distress makes radio call on Channel 16 (the channel monitored 24 hrs a day 7 days a week by the Coast Guard.) The call is picked up, contact made, location established and nature of the distress, if possible. The Launching Authority is immediately contacted in Anstruther, the pagers are alerted to 'Immediate Readiness' or 'Launch ALB'. 'Immediate Readiness' requests all the crew available to assemble at the Boathouse for detailed instructions, 'Launch ALB' requires the lifeboat to be launched as quickly and safely as possible.
The decision to launch is taken by the Coxswain and Hon Sec Launch Authority. As the crew muster, the coxswain has to be certain he has the appropriate crew for the task in hand, the launch crew will be checking the safety of the carriage, starting the tractor and preparing to move the Lifeboat to launch position, low tide levels present further problems. (See the section on Launch & Recovery) The Coxswain takes control of the Lifeboat from the Head Launcher at the point of launch from the carriage. The Radio Officer and Helm will be quickly trying to establish the best course to the location if given by the Coast Guard, all under the control of the Coxswain.
All this can be achieved within 5 minutes!
The ALB is designed for a crew of 6, but it is at the Coxswain's discretion regarding the numbers and crew taken. More may be required if for example a visual wide area search is required. Some stations have dedicated crew teams who are on standby for set periods. At Anstruther it is only the three coxswain that an unofficial rota takes place, to maintain constant cover.
Pager Alert
A typical scenario of events would be: a boat in distress makes radio call on Channel 16 (the channel monitored 24 hrs a day 7 days a week by the Coast Guard.) The call is picked up, contact made, location established and nature of the distress, if possible. The Launching Authority is immediately contacted in Anstruther, the pagers are alerted to 'Immediate Readiness' or 'Launch ALB'. 'Immediate Readiness' requests all the crew available to assemble at the Boathouse for detailed instructions, 'Launch ALB' requires the lifeboat to be launched as quickly and safely as possible.
The decision to launch is taken by the Coxswain and Hon Sec Launch Authority. As the crew muster, the coxswain has to be certain he has the appropriate crew for the task in hand, the launch crew will be checking the safety of the carriage, starting the tractor and preparing to move the Lifeboat to launch position, low tide levels present further problems. (See the section on Launch & Recovery) The Coxswain takes control of the Lifeboat from the Head Launcher at the point of launch from the carriage. The Radio Officer and Helm will be quickly trying to establish the best course to the location if given by the Coast Guard, all under the control of the Coxswain.
All this can be achieved within 5 minutes!
Records are maintained of all operations ("shouts").
Select a year to see all records for that year.
The Service Archives provide a summary of operations of earlier years.
Select a year to see all records for that year.
The Service Archives provide a summary of operations of earlier years.
Web Design: Roger Graham Copyright Anstruther Lifeboat 2014