DATE -23/08/21 19:59 – 20:00
ILB requested to launch to assist pleasure craft with propeller fanned up close to the harbour entrance and unable to move.
ILB low water launch and towed the stricken vessel back into Anstruther Harbour and safely moored it up to the west pier.
ILB then rehoused.
Weather Part Cloudy
Visibility Excel
Wind Force 1 Light Airs
Wind dir NE
Sea state Smooth
High Water
DATE -23/08/21 19:59 – 20:00
ILB requested to launch to assist pleasure craft with propeller fanned up close to the harbour entrance and unable to move.
ILB low water launch and towed the stricken vessel back into Anstruther Harbour and safely moored it up to the west pier.
ILB then rehoused.
Weather Part Cloudy
Visibility Excel
Wind Force 1 Light Airs
Wind dir NE
Sea state Smooth
High Water