5 & 6 /2022
Request for crew assembly on reports of person having fallen on the coastal path with paramedic on scene, medical evacuation required.
LOM authorised both boats to launch because of the weather situation. ILB first on scene and with the stretcher provided by ALB, the casualty with paramedic were evacuated on the ILB. The ILB following in the wake of the wake of the ALB to the ambulance waiting at St Monans harbour.
Both boats returned to Anstruther to rehouse, ALB crew recalled because of the tidal situation.
Time: 14:53 – 16:45 Re-housed 20:00
Weather Clear skies
Visibility Good
Wind Force 5 Fresh Breeze
Wind dir NW
Sea state Rough
High Tide 16:40
Request for crew assembly on reports of person having fallen on the coastal path with paramedic on scene, medical evacuation required.
LOM authorised both boats to launch because of the weather situation. ILB first on scene and with the stretcher provided by ALB, the casualty with paramedic were evacuated on the ILB. The ILB following in the wake of the wake of the ALB to the ambulance waiting at St Monans harbour.
Both boats returned to Anstruther to rehouse, ALB crew recalled because of the tidal situation.
Time: 14:53 – 16:45 Re-housed 20:00
Weather Clear skies
Visibility Good
Wind Force 5 Fresh Breeze
Wind dir NW
Sea state Rough
High Tide 16:40