No 31/2019
DATE 19/09/19 19:22 - 20:35
HMCG requested lifeboat assistance to aid lone yachtsman who had fouled prop off Cellardyke.
Yachtsman was going to enter the water himself and try to clear it but strongly advised him not to and ILB tasked to assist.
ILB located the casualty, cleared the prop and escorted the vessel into Anstruther harbour.
Weather Clear skies
Visibility Good
Wind Force 3 Gentle breeze
Wind direction SW
Sea state Calm
DATE 19/09/19 19:22 - 20:35
HMCG requested lifeboat assistance to aid lone yachtsman who had fouled prop off Cellardyke.
Yachtsman was going to enter the water himself and try to clear it but strongly advised him not to and ILB tasked to assist.
ILB located the casualty, cleared the prop and escorted the vessel into Anstruther harbour.
Weather Clear skies
Visibility Good
Wind Force 3 Gentle breeze
Wind direction SW
Sea state Calm