10 and 11/2019
09/06/19 21:42 – 22:35
False alarm with good intent
Request from Coastguard via first informant, to assist 3 or 4 children cut off by the tide on rocks near to the chain walk at Shell Bay.
With both boats launched and proceeding to the scene, reported en-route to be fishermen safely fishing from the rocks.
With ILB on scene the Coastguard confirmed that all was OK and both boats stood down and returned to Anstruther
Weather Part Cloudy
Visibility Good
Wind Force 2 Light breeze
Wind direction SW
Sea state Calm
09/06/19 21:42 – 22:35
False alarm with good intent
Request from Coastguard via first informant, to assist 3 or 4 children cut off by the tide on rocks near to the chain walk at Shell Bay.
With both boats launched and proceeding to the scene, reported en-route to be fishermen safely fishing from the rocks.
With ILB on scene the Coastguard confirmed that all was OK and both boats stood down and returned to Anstruther
Weather Part Cloudy
Visibility Good
Wind Force 2 Light breeze
Wind direction SW
Sea state Calm