No 40 and 41/2019
DATE 29/11/19 02:29 – 05:10
ILB crew mustered to await the decision and outcome, especially as the ALB was on restricted service.
ALB requested to launch to a report of suicidal male on board Fishing Vessel. Info received from Police Scotland via Coastguard.
Initial instruction to stand clear of the vessel 3 miles west of Elie & clarify if everything was OK on board and all crew well.
Initial report was the casualty was the skipper and the vessel was therefore in high risk, it was later ascertained that the casualty was a crewman.
FV located contact made with the skipper and the vessel escorted into Pittenweem harbour, where four officers from police Scotland took control of the incident, once tied up alongside.
ALB stood down and tied up at Pittenweem to await tide and rehouse at Anstruther
Weather Rain
Visibility Mod
Wind Force 4 Mod breeze
Wind direction NE
Sea state Mod
DATE 29/11/19 02:29 – 05:10
ILB crew mustered to await the decision and outcome, especially as the ALB was on restricted service.
ALB requested to launch to a report of suicidal male on board Fishing Vessel. Info received from Police Scotland via Coastguard.
Initial instruction to stand clear of the vessel 3 miles west of Elie & clarify if everything was OK on board and all crew well.
Initial report was the casualty was the skipper and the vessel was therefore in high risk, it was later ascertained that the casualty was a crewman.
FV located contact made with the skipper and the vessel escorted into Pittenweem harbour, where four officers from police Scotland took control of the incident, once tied up alongside.
ALB stood down and tied up at Pittenweem to await tide and rehouse at Anstruther
Weather Rain
Visibility Mod
Wind Force 4 Mod breeze
Wind direction NE
Sea state Mod