5 & 6/2019
12/04/18 12:49 – 14:00
Request from Coastguard to assist yacht with one person on board close to the rocks at Fife Ness.
ILB launched as HMCG had declared Pan Pan and other vessels assisting the casualty to safe water.
Casualty towed to Anstruther harbour and safely berthed
Weather Overcast
Visibility Good
Wind Force 4 Fresh Breeze
Wind direction SE
Sea state Moderate
12/04/18 12:49 – 14:00
Request from Coastguard to assist yacht with one person on board close to the rocks at Fife Ness.
ILB launched as HMCG had declared Pan Pan and other vessels assisting the casualty to safe water.
Casualty towed to Anstruther harbour and safely berthed
Weather Overcast
Visibility Good
Wind Force 4 Fresh Breeze
Wind direction SE
Sea state Moderate